Monday, August 31, 2015


You know what payday equals?  A 2 hour Thai oil massage for ~ $14, that's what it equals.  Also when you are deprived of human touch, ya gotta get yer fix somehow if ya know what I be sayin.

GLORIOUS.  That is the word to describe this massage.  And my massuese was the sweetest tiniest little lady named Moo.  At one point, I open my eyes, and she has a legitimate balancing pole and is preparing to walk all over me.  I know it is corny, but as she stood on me with her itty bitty feet, I felt such a strong sense of gratitude for this adorable woman.  She radiated suchhhhh a positive energy and it heavily affected the massage.  So Moo, thank you for spending two whole hours tending to my body, I am sure you would have liked to have been home with your family.
Good lord above that was a pleasant experience.

Thailand Experiences and Observations Part 1

Random experiences at school and in Thailand in general written in the order in which they enter my brain- (PS these are my experiences, not the written word)

- Toilet paper is non-existent in this country.  They use "bum guns" little hoses that you spray your dirty parts with.  Hand soap is also few and far between.

- Thais love color, and every day of the week is associated with a color, which I have still not memorized.  I think Monday is yellow.

-  The beds here are rock hard!!!! My limbs fall asleep because of the lack of give in the mattress.

-  Food is CHEAP.  Actually everything is cheap but especially food.  Lunch at school costs about 20 baht, or 60 cents.

- Plain unsweetened coffee does not exist, they are ALWAYS sweet creamy concoctions.  I usually drink my coffee back home with a touch of cream and no sugar.  I now have gotten used to the coffees here, and I secretly love them so hard although I've discovered an inverse correlation with how many I consume and the quality of my skin.

- People really want white skin and will avoid being in the sun as much as possible.  Everyone swims fully clothed (that is, if they know how to swim, many Thais do not).  Almost all skin moisturizers are skin "whiteners", meaning they have a whiteish hue.  It is extremely obvious when people are wearing skin whitening creams, because the tan skin underneath comes through as almost purplish.

- Students will be straight up grooming and popping blackheads in class.

- While hanging out at our friends house, we saw a man (someone significant in Kalasin but I won't mention names) get carried out to his car by his two friends because he was so drunk he couldn't walk.  They then proceeded to PUT HIM IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT, and he DROVE AWAY.  This infuriated me actually.  The man cannot even walk, and you then think it is a good idea to put him in control of a 2000 lb vehicle.  My blood it still hot from that.

-  Body hair is much more accepted here.  Women tend to leave their upper lip hairs, and many do not shave their legs.  It actually seems like a point of pride.  Today I glanced at my own legs and said "GOLLY thats a lot of hair, time for a shave" but then said oh heck, no one cares here anyway.  We had a tuk tuk driver in Khon Kaen who had this foul mole on his face and growing from it, the most impressive bush of hair.  It was really quite captivating.  A female coworker also has really impressive chin hairs, I'm talking like 4 to 5 inches.

-  Eating bugs is totally a thing here.  You can find them at many street vendor carts.

- Thais have really strange nicknames.  Sometimes they will pick English words that they like the sound of, with no actual knowledge of the meaning.  I've encountered Bus, Dream, Beer, Donut, Cook, Crap, Porn (many Thai names end in porn), View, Apple, Arm, Pepsi, Ozone, Stamp, Fuck, Boss, Lemon.  It's pretty entertaining.

- Chickens are everywhere and roam freely, but as we all know roosters can be a bit of pain, so if their behavior is getting out of hand, they are retained in these wicker domelike structures, about 3 to 4 ft in diameter.  They can still see all their fellow chicken passersby and recieve a nice breeze, it just puts hold on their rapist ways.

-For my M5's, I had them answer questions about what they like to do.  When I asked one boy what he liked to do, he said with a completely straight face "fap fap".  For those who don't know, this is slang for masturbation.  I just nodded and smiled

-Another boy responded in complete seriousness with "I like to grow weed".  Again, I was like hmm okay!

-Last week, I finished my weather unit with my M1's.  I wrote a test, and before passing them out, CLEARLY explained that if they talked, or copied I would take their test away.  OH MY GOD.  THESE KIDS.  The moment I would turn my back, chatter and furious copying would ensue.  How the HELL is one teacher who speaks very little Thai, supposed to control a class of 50 seventh graders who speak very little English.  You cannot, statistically, it is IMPOSSIBLE.  I was as strict as I could be, and was taking tests away left and right but jimeny crickets!  The level of disregard the students showed for my requests was actually rather irritating, and I felt an evil satisfaction each time I took a test away.  (yes I'm awful)

-At one point this girl was just flipping me off and giggling......... I was like uhhhhhhhhhh NO.  I didn't know if she understood what the gesture meant, so I took her test away and made serious faces and tones to indicate that this was not okay.  But heck I didn't have the energy to pursue further punishment so oh well.

- I have had multiple students take phone calls DURING CLASS.


- rather than the most logical least biased form of creating a roll sheet in alphabetical order, all the boys are listed first and then the girls,what is this???

- There are proportionally SOO MANY ladyboys at our school!  It makes me wonder if that is the statistical average everywhere but kids in other countries cannot express themselves, or if it is something about Thailand.

- Students have recorded and taken photos of me while teaching, without my knowledge.  Very possible I'm in some Thai students youtube videos potentially title "Falang teacher makes funny faces" or something of the like.

- Students are required to remove their shoes upon entering any building, so all my classes learn in their socks.

- The moment I get home from school, I remove all clothing and starfish on my bed for many hours.

- Most toilets are in the shower, as in, there is one room with no divider and everything gets drenched.  Initially, I found this to be foul, but then realized that every shower is an opportunity to hose down and clean the place, it's great!

-  This country likes sugar, everything is SO SWEET, and at all restaurants, there are pots of sugar at each table to put on all dishes, savory and sweet alike.

-  The region I'm in is known for its rice especially sticky rice, and I must agree, I LOVE STICKY RICE.  It is kept in this straw basket thing, and you take a chunk with your hands and roll it into a ball and then dip it in whatever sauce you like. 

- Thai people really enjoy eating unripe fruit, green mango is a common snack here, and once you view it separately from a ripe mango, it is actually super delicious, crunchy and tart.

- Feeding fish at the communal lake is a popular past time here.  There are vendors who sell fish food and bread chunks, and young amd old alike will gather round the lakes edge to watch the water boil as 100s of fish writhe for food.

-  Thai's have a strange fascination with Nazis.  A friend was in a store in Bangkok and there were a bunch of posters of famous people with inspirational quotes including Hitler..... fabulous.  They also have a fried chicken chain called Hitler... What?!?!?!? This indicates that history is probably not accurately being recounted here in Thailand (obviously history is always biased, but if a country is idolizing Hitler, there is some info missing).  My theory is that the Thai's like the Nazi's ceremonial practices, propaganda, etc.

-  There is drunken Tuk Tuk driver here in Kalasin who is in love with me.  The moment we got off the bus from Bangkok that first day, he started blabbing in Thai and bought me a water bottle.  I see him often, one time he saw me in the street and pulled over and tried to hug me and give me a smooch.  He is not aggressive, he just says hello, blabs a bit in Thai and does something kind like offer me fried fish or put a straw in my water.

-  As many of you know, Thailand eats ALL of an animal.  Since being here I have eaten a fish eye, a scorpion, chicken liver, chicken feet, and a duck head.  It all tasted like chicken lol.

-  Thai music is really corny!!! Often times you will hear covers of pop songs that literally sound like elevator music, its pretty lolz

- More often not then not there are ants in your food.  You get used to it.

- Insulting the monarchy is forbidden.

- People are generally very very kind.

- When you think Thai salads, you think lime, cilantro ginger goodness right???? Well I have yet to find such a thing in this part of Thailand.  Without fail, the dressing served with EVERY salad is this strange yellowish super sweet mayonnaise like substance, in other words, disgusting.  The salads themselves are good, the dressing is just a real bummer.  I managed to find some balsamic dressing at Tesco which I use instead.

-  The stoplights here are definitely strange.  Below the light is a timer so you can see how long you will be waiting, although traffic is confusing and I still have yet to figure it out fully.  It seems to come from all directions at all times.  Traffic rules are more of a suggestion than a law.

-  Sidewalks are rather inconsistent.  They are there one moment and then disappear the next.  Because Thailand receives so much rain, they are also hollow, so water can drain down beneath them, which adds some hazards.  I was walking in Kon Khaen last weekend, it was dark and I was snaking my way through a bunch of mopeds and I tripped on the sidewalk.  I thought nothing of it, but as I continued walking I felt my toe getting wet.  I put my foot in the light and my sandal is bathed in blood.  So much that it glowed red against my black sandal.  I have no idea what happened but moral of the story is that sidewalks wreak havoc.

-  I have seen more geckos than bugs here.  They are EVERYWHERE at all times.  There seem to be two main types that I have seen.  The cute little ones that only seem to grow about five inches long, and can be found at all light bulbs and the giant Tokay geckos.  OMG google these creatures, they are so creepy (beautiful but creepy)!!!! They are bright blue and orange and have huge yellow eyes, and they make this noise "TO-KAY, TO-KAY"  When I was having my insomnia days, I first hallucinated that there was one over my bed ( I tend to hallucinate when I am half asleep), then auditory hallucinated its creepy call, and I freaked out and ran out of my room.  Now some of you are saying, Neens it probably was in your room.  No it was not, I searched high and low.

-  Snack flavors here are WEIRD.  They have squid flavored chips, seaweed flavored chips, red bean buns (a sweet red bean paste in a bun), sweet dried cherry tomatoes, and a whole lot of others things I can't think of right now.  Oh and there are NO healthy snack options.  I walk through the rows of food at the school store and every single item has the nutritional benefits of cardboard with a few table spoons of sugar.

-  Bananas grow wild in the forest.

-  It appears most Thai restaurants offer the EXACT SAME DISHES ALWAYS.  There really is not much variety in the cuisine here.  When you go out to eat the waiters will promptly come to your table and wait for you to make a decision.  We suspect it is because most Thai people already know what they want because all Thai restaurants are the same.  This also happens when you are shopping in stores, the employee will literally stand 2 feet away from you, silently gazing at you.  You just gotta go wit it.

- That reminds me, EVERYONE STARESSSSSSSS AT YOU.  EVERYONE, ALWAYS. Man, woman, child, dog, cat, gecko, cockroach.  And not a subtle stare, like a slowing of the car, full 180 degree head rotation kind of stare.

- People are obsessed with Facebook.  Kids update their statuses hourly and post SO MANY SELFIES.  Everyone likes every single post of everybody, so these Thai students have like 200 likes on a status about eating, or a feeling sad, it's pretty ridiculous.

-  Seven eleven is like this strange Godsend that I never knew I would appreciate so much.  They have all these super random weird services that are so so useful!  We get payed in cash, mainly in 1000 Baht bills, and no one will break them cause they are so big, but 7 will!!  Also you can buy plane tickets online and then pay for them in cash at 7.  They are open 24/7 and always blessedly air-conditioned.  If you are working in Thailand you need to report to the immigration office every 90 days, but now 7 is taking on that responsibility and apparently you can report there instead.  Which is nice cause there is a 7 on most street corners.

- Thai's have really nailed many many food dishes, but baked goods are not one of them.  They are usually very dry and crumbly.  They do have the strangest deserts though.  Lots of weird gelatinous rice things.  They also have like a sweet soup, the broth is coconut milk, and then there are chunks of like jelly and sweet roots, it sounds disgusting but it is actually super good.

- I don't think people here have heard of floor lamps.  All lighting is provided by the heinous harsh glare of 3 foot fluorescent lightbulbs, always, everywhere.

-  A traditional Isan(the region I am in) meal consists sticky rice, Som Tam (green papaya salad), grilled chicken, a whole grilled fish that has been crusted in salt and then bbqued, super delish, some yummy dipping sauces, rice noodles, a basket of greens( lettuce, cabbage, basil, green onions) that are meant to be dipped in the sauce, and a bottle of coke.  Everyone takes small portions and shares everything.  I have really grown fond of this meal.

-  Street dogs run the streets.  It's literally just like gangs.  Dogs have their territories and their friends and they will defend them.  Especially when everyone is in heat and hornier than a rabbit on Easter.  As some of you saw, I was chased by a few, and I have found the more you speed up, the more they have a desire to kill.  So I have found toodeling by at a slow, unoffensive speed seems to be most effective

-  Like I wrote in some other posts, Thai nightclubs are the weirdest.  The room is set up with tons of little tables that you stand around, and drink bad drinks and look around.  Half of the night, they will play live music (still adjusting to Thai music.... here is a link of a popular song right now  and half the night they will play dj stuff.  I must admit the DJ sets are usually really catchy and super fun to dance to, which would be great and all IF THERE WAS A DANCEFLOOR.  People, there is no dance floor at most Thai night clubs........ WHErE IS THE LOGIC, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE.  So yea, the main reason I like going out is to dance, so it's a real bummer.

-  They love sweetened condensed milk, period.  On everything and in everything.

- No one drinks the tap water, not even Thai people.

- You can find old metal workout strucures, ie elipticals and things of that nature at most parks, free aerobics classes are offered nightly as well.

-  They keep live fish at the market in big tubs.  A customer will select the fish they want and the vendor will then place it on a large wooden cutting board where it is then bludgeoned to death, descaled, and gutted within 20 seconds.  Quite impressive honestly.

-  You can find fruit vendors on most street corners.  They usually sell ice cold watermelon, mango, pineapple and apple guavas, which they will cut up for you on the spot.  Let me tell you, when most days are 90~ degrees, that fruit tastes mighty refreshing.  For the more exotic stuff like durian, jack fruit, mangosteen, rambutan, you must go the market.

-  They also sell exotic animals!  Squirrels, sugar gliders, parrots, hedgehogs, and many other things that are illegal in the US.  I seriously want to adopt.

-  Thais loveeee their whiskey, and will brew their own.  They also drink white whiskey which is probably the most foul thing on this planet apparently gives you cancer, so I stay away from the stuff.

- Scaffodling at construction sites is almost always made of rough hewn wood.

- If you want to look up a bus schedule, ha, think again!  Buses come and go so frequently that people just tend to show up an hour before and see what ia available.  Googling this information is a farangs pipe dream.

- Sometimes you will run into elephants walking down the street, and you can pay to give them bits of bamboo.  This a very controversial subject, because often times, the elephants have been beaten into submission.  I usually just try and act like a dumb white girl and "oooh" and "ahhhh" and give them a nice pet and try and psychicly communicate that not all humans are cruel, no real way to know if it gets through or not lol.

- Monks are not allowed to touch women, so seating on public transportation must sometimes be rearranged to accomodate.

- Creepy old falang men come here and marry cute young Thai women.  It is such a thing!!!!!!  They are everywhere and they are always blond, and fat and gross.  We will be in the most rural places and the only white people to be found are these men.  EVERYWHERE.  I understand some people really do marry for love and whatnot but in general you can tell there are other motives behind the marriage cause normally there ain't no way in a hell men like these could get women like those (yes I am SO mean, I'm sorry).

- Rainy season is aptly named.  Even with the drainage infrastructure, streets turn into rivers.  I was recording a video of it, and these hooligans rode by on their mopeds and splashed water all over me!!!!!! (I loved it)  My bathroom has flooded a few times, drenching my toilet paper supplies... cool.  I have also heard that critters come up through the drains to say hello (mainly frogs).  I have yet to encounter this.

- Along with dogs, cockroaches run the streets at night.  I'm not even kidding.  I will just be walking down the street and see like 10 crossing the road.  And I'm talking honkin cockroaches the kind that will really crunch when you step on it by accident as it runs underneath your foot.  (I have yet to encounter this)

- Basically just living each day in Thailand, one produces COPIOUS amounts of plastic waste.  It is simply shocking.  Items are rarely sold in bulk and even the things sold in bulk, such as crackers, are INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED, what is this???? So for breakfast if I just want yogurt and peanuts, I will have a yogurt cup, and a bag of like 10 peanuts, which had I not protested would have been in a plastic bag with a plastic wrapped plastic spoon. Our office sometimes provides instant coffee, and you guessed it, individually wrapped spawn of satans.  Unfortunately there is a lack of education about these issues, so most people aren't aware of the profound impact they make every single day.  I often try and imagine a gigantic dump truck filled with all the trash Thailand produced that day, and how much land area it would cover.  I don't think I could even begin to fathom that.

- The BANE of my existence. PLASTIC BAGS.  BAGS ON BAGS ON BAGS ON BAGS ON BAGS ON BAGS.  This country LOVE PLASTIC BAGS and it hurts my heart.  It is such a struggle..  They will give you a bag for anything.  When you buy a pen, when you buy a chocolate bar, when you buy fruit that has already been bagged in one bag, but they want to make sure you have extra support so they then bag that bag. Oh. my. god.  Last week, I bought an iced coffee, and no surprise, they put it in a plastic bag, I said oh what the hell fine, so I was biking on along to school, I go over a speed bump and the bag rips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You just put this foul awful thing that is a plastic bag into the wor4ld for approximately 2 minutes only to have it rip and spill my coffee in front of all my students.  GREAT, REAL GREAT.  I can't, I just can't.  (side note- apparently it is becoming trendy to have your ice coffee bagged, which is then placed in a paper bag, which is then placed in another plastic bag ..... I mean... is this a joke????)  And usually I am able to indicate that I do not want a bag, and when I do, they look taken aback, sometimes positively offended.  It's like bagging things is ingrained into the genetic code.  When I first got here it really really bothered me, because the bags are so very temporary yet they have such lasting, and damaging effects.  I have gotten more used to it, but any time I can avoid them I do.

- The photos you see of rice fields in Thailand?  Those are accurate.  The area surrounding Kalasin is simply beautiful.

- Water buffalos are awfully cute.

- Thais have beautiful bone structure and good skin.

- Super ornate, colorful temples are found everywhere, along with ENORMOUS Buddhas, like 60 feet tall kind of enormous.

So there you have it, some observations that I could have never even fathomed before coming here.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Insane Skies

Cecil, Shelby and I headed to the big night market last night, despite the looming rainclouds in the distance.  We took the world's slowest tuk tuk ride, and by the time we got there, almost all the vendors were in a mad scramble to pack things up before the storm.
I managed to find a pair of jean shorts, for 40 baht and then quickly made my way over to the food area to grab some dinner.
The air was FULL of energy and the sky, oh my goodness the sky.  I have never seen such colors, such glowing intense light!!!!  They ranged from the deepest of gray, to brilliant blue and then to vibrant purples, pinks, yellows and oranges.  And because of all the different color, the sky had such depth, one layer was dark gray, and then just beyond that, the sun managed to illuminate a towering cumulous into fiery gold.  Off in the distance, where the sun's rays barely reached, the heavens were a deep saphire, and every few moments, the the most crystal clear lightning bolts slashed across the horizon.
I found this whole thing to be outrageously exciting and spent a good while staring upwards, mouth agape and camera in hand, and I'm pretty sure the Thai folk thought I was a bit of a dunce.  But I tell you, I have never seen a sky like that.  These photos do not do it justice.
PS are the descriptions of this storm cliched? Yes.  But cliches became cliches for a reason, because many people experience the same thoughts and emotion about certain subjects, so in the end I'm just trying to convey this stuff in the most relatable way!

Since living in Thailand I have really missed singing!  I do it here and there, but it isn't the same as strumming some chords my guitar or uke and really feeling it.  Today my prayers were answered! A french girl who we recently befriended just moved into Lucky, and happens to have a ukulele, so today, I asked if I could borrow it while she napped.  Yippee, it felt good.  I didn't really know what I wanted to sing at first.  She happenned to have the chords for Maroon 5's "Sugar" so I said hey why not, Thailand is obsessed with Maroon 5, obsessed with "Sugar" and also obsessed with actual sugar, and I can attempt to make it sound acoustic esque.  I skipped the high parts cause Adam Levine has a girl voice but here is a lil snippet!

Friday, August 28, 2015


So guys, since teaching, apparently I am the world's most hilarious comedian?  I'll say or do something that I consider kindaaa funny, emphasis on the kinda, and the class of 50 students will be hootin and hollerin, which in turn makes me laugh.  It's pretty fun.
But actually.  We are still talking about restaurant terms, and one of the words is "kitchen".  Many Thais commonly confuse "kitchen" and "chicken" so I made a tongue twister stating, " I ate a chicken in the kitchen!"  What a time we had!
I know it is soooo corny, but times like that, when it is just me and my students in the class, connecting over humor, it is really really special, and I love them for it.  Human connection goes sooooooo much deeper than language and race.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

An Effective Formula for Happiness!

Hello all!  I had been feeling a bit funky the past week.  Yesterday I ran, meditated for 25 minutes, had a nice meal with friends and hit the hay early, and I tell you, this is a recipe for contentment!
I woke up this morning, and every little thing has filled me with joy- the cool air from the fan against my skin, savoring those few minutes in bed before heading to school, the soft morning light, the birdies chirping, saying hello to my coworkers, seeing my precious students run around the field like a bunch of baboons, buying some nice pens.  It's the little things I tell ya!  Life is beautiful and meditation directs your awareness towards those little beautiful things that we so easily forget about :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Rainy day

All of yesterday, I could feel a storm was brewing- the clouds were dark, it was cooler, and the air was humid.  It held off during school and I wondered if it would skip Kalasin, which storms seem to do sometimes. 
I was planning on going on a run and then to the market to find some new jean shorts (cause I lost those too... what is wrong with me??????)  As soon as I got home, the wind began to blow, and within minutes, the rain fell from the skies in buckets.  The air was filled with the roar of gallons upon gallons of water hanmering down onto tin rooves, cars and concrete.
I opened all my windows and doors in an effort to cool my apartnent and a fellow teacher Andrew happenned to walk by my door.  He was on his way to a restaurant and I said "heck I'm bored, I'll go with you"
We walked out to the street, or what was the street, for the entire roadway had converted into a full blown rushing torrent of a river.  There were literal rapids, and cars and motorbikes struggled to push through the flood. 
A crowd of Thais had gathered at the front of our apartment to watch the events.
Now I completely love stuff like this.  When there is water, I am happier than a water buffalo in a mudpit.  I promptly waided in, barefeet and all, and felt the warm dirty water rush past my legs.  It was the best!!!! I had Andrew take some pics and then we took a short rainwalk down the street.   What a sight we were, two giant falangs, wandering down the middle of the street, clad in 20 baht ponchos and barefeet.  A car drove past, and through the tinted window, I could see a girl giggling with her hand over her mouth at how ridiculous we were.
This torrent of water appeared to be heading for the lake, so we went with the flow, literally.  A good amount dumped right into the lake and the rest continued down the road, to only God knows where.
Andrew and I had our meal, and the rain subsided somewhat.  After, we decided to take a walk around the lake, to look at the damage.  About halfway through, the sky lit up in a multitude of colors and then Kalasin went black.  It was so eery, being on the lake, in the soft darkness.  Being that this is Thailand, we were very unsure as to how long it would take for the power to return.  Lo and behold, it only took about 5 minutes. 
We wandered back, I found a mudpit and sloshed around in that for a bit, and then returned to Lucky.  The rain continued through the night, and this morning, it was almostttt cool enough to wear a long sleeved shirt.  But not quite haha. 
Ps every time I try and add photos to a post, the app crashes.  Gonna uninstall abd reinstall, but for now you are just gonna have to use your imagination
Update- as you can clearly see, I have had added photos.  Word to the wise, don't use the blogger app, just access it through a browser, ten times better

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Being that the only way I can write blog posts is on my phone, I decided to make the content more twitter-esque, brief observations that aren't a pain in the rear to write.

I am currently sitting outside my next class, and a bunch if M1's are milling the hallway.  A boy and a girl get in a punching war RIGHT in front of me, and a pretty rough one too.  It always amazes me that the students completely disregard my presence when fighting.

Halfwit alert

You guys!!!!!! I am feeling like such an utter half wit at the moment!!!!

Preface- When I was young, I was a damn good speller (I was even a contender for the school spelling but purposefully spelled some words wrong so I didn't have to be in front a crowd).  And then I took Spanish in high school, and that skill literally went out the window, it was actually quite strange.

ANYWAYS, I am teaching my classes vocabulary about dining out, and one of the words was dessert.  I just had a class, and one of my smarter students was like "oh, ta lai sai" which is desert in Thai.  And I was like "almost!  But not quite"  Then I turn to the board and lo and behold she is completely correct and I have been teaching the incorrect spelling to all my classes thus far this week........
I am SUCH a halfwit, and rather embarrassed!!!! Such is life, I am sorry my sweet students.
PS typing on a phone is THE worst

Busy bee

So I am super behind in grading and literally spend ny entire work day teaching and grading, when I would normally spend some of that time to write.

Life ain't to exciting at the moment but here is a tale to get your heart racing - I went to the market tonight and had a lime smoothie and a wrap, and then bought two used shirts.  Then I showered.  WOAHHHHH I know right, life can be pretty crazy here in Thailand

Friday, August 7, 2015

Midterm Pandemonium!!!!! and pandemonium in general

**This post was originally about midterms, but then turned into a school rant in general.

We arrived back in Kalasin just in time for midterms week, and my what a week it was.

Before I had left for my vacation, I had written three midterms, one for M1, one for M5 and one for 5/10, who have an exceptionally high english level.  The head of our department had asked us to write them out and give them to him, and we assumed this was so he had time to look them over, check for any mistakes and make suggestions if need be.  All the foreign teachers had their's written and turned in in time, and heard nothing, so we assumed we were in the clear.

Being that I had a 10 day vacation ahead, midterm protocol was the last thing on my mind.  I had written what they asked me too, and figured if they needed anything else they would let me know.  One thing that I have found SO GRATING about the Thai education system is the complete lack of communication.. It is non-existent.  So whenever the teachers need something done, we are informed the day of, and even then are given the most minimal amount of information possible.  So we all returned to school at the beginning of this week without the slightest idea of how midterms worked.  Would we be attending all our classes as usual and be giving them then?  Would there be designated days for each test, or designated days for each grade?  Would they all test in the same space, or in their given classrooms?  How would they be graded?  Did they have a computer scanning system, or would they need to be hand graded?  If so, who would be grading them?  The list of unknowns goes onnnnnnnnnnnn.

I have found that at Anukoolnaree, it is much easier to just sit back and relax and when the time comes do as you are told.  So I came to school with that mindset exactly.  I figured that they would let us know if they needed anything.  Apparently my M1's were testing that day.  At about 10:30, one of the student teachers comes in with a question about my test.  I had made sure to reread and edit all my tests, but it always helps to have a second pair of eyes to edit, which I had assumed was gonna happen when we gave our drafts to the head of our department.  FALSE.  Only AFTER they had printed 700 tests, on the DAY of the test, only then do they have questions and things to point out................ Fortunately it wasn't anything too severe, so the test went ahead as planned.  Shelby was not so lucky.  There was some confusion and the test she had written for her M4's was given to her M1s.  So that was fun.  But oh no, that's not all.  Part of Shelby's test was fill in the blank format, and for some reason, because of this, she had to hand grade her tests.  ALL 1200 of her tests.  Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy had they not informed her of this before the day of the test, before they had printed all of them, and if anything, she could have hand graded the first part, and the rest could have been graded by the computer..... Logic doesn't exist in Thailand.  And mistakes like this just kept happening throughout the week.  And I got my M1 results back, and over half of them failed..... And even though I know it is not my fault, I still want my students to do well!!  And it makes me wonder if I could have done anything to improve their scores.  But I later learned that there were some classes  taught by Thai Student teachers where none of the students passed.  So even the Thai teachers have been struggling to teach their students english.

Sidenote- every once in a while, the teachers will have us edit English tests, or essays.  On Monday, one of the teachers had me edit a test (was not told what for, just that I should edit).  I actually enjoy doing this because I like writing and reading, and feeling like I am the true expert in the field haha.  BUT YOU GUYS, this test, this test was a JOKE.  The test contained short conversations, with fill in the blank responses.  So like question one would be "pick the best way to express an apology" and the  answer options would be A.  I'm sorry B. I apologize C. Please forgive me D. I hope we can make up................. ALL THE ANSWERS MEAN THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just didn't even know what to do.  And every single question was like this, like another example "pick the best way to express a warning" A. Don't touch! B. Be careful! C. Watch out! D. It's hot!  The fact that every single question was like this, I just didn't have the energy.  If I had received this test at the beginning of my stay, I would have made the effort to point it out.  But I have found that the Thai teachers ask for your suggestions more as a form of show, and they actually have the answers they want all along, and ignore your suggestions.

But yea, I came to this school with a lot of optimism and really wanting to do my best.  But the school has consistently fallen through .  We had to miss a day of school to sort out our visa, and so we all wrote lesson plans for the substitute teachers.  We come back the next day, and they were untouched.  And the entire visa trip was for not because they were missing an essential document.  So we missed ANOTHER day a few weeks later, wrote another set of lesson plans, in which I expressedly asked them to collect the work because I was missing some grades.  Nothing.
When we first arrived, all the Thai English teachers were studying for an annual English proficiency test.  Apparently over half of them failed so they were hosting a workshop at our school during each weekend in the month of August. Near the end of June, one of the teachers approached us about working that event because 6 native english speakers were required.  We were all very glad to help!  So we said sure, we can each do 1 or 2 weekends, because all four is a bit much on top of our 24 class a week workload.  And they said sorry, it's all or nothing.... okay??? If that is what you want, then okay.  But then we hear a few weeks later, that they had gone to Becky's school, desperate and asked her to help out for one or two weekends?!?!  The exact thing we had offered.  They were sooo desperate, yet too worried about saving face, to re ask us..  That was kind of another nail in the coffin, I must say.

Basically, with the continued inefficient and backwards experiences, I really don't have much sympathy left for the school.  All of the foreign teachers have consistently done their part, and the school falls through again and again.  It is pointless for me to stress, I can't change anything, so I'm just gonna try and make the rest of my time here as easy as I can.  I really don't like to be negative, and I'm sorry if this post appears like a complain fest, but it is simply reality.  From the get go, we were left to fend for ourselves.  None of the teachers showed us around the town, helped us open a bank account, or showed a general interest in us.  And honestly, it's kind of freeing, because I don't feel a loyalty or obligation to the school.  I hate how negative this post looks.  I genuinely am happy, and grateful for the experience.  I really have made some great friends and connections, and absolutely love my students.  There are so many amazing things about Thailand.  It has been life changing.  BUT, the school itself is a bit of a joke. I think my next post will be a Thai appreciation post.  Okay bye!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015


**** This may be my longest post yet!!!! And there are a lot of photos!!!! So sorry if it takes long to load :*

Hello.  I just returned from the THE MOST incredible trip.  I will honestly say that it has really changed me.

There was a Buddhist holiday on Thursday and Friday of last week, and the students got two days off.  Becky and I decided take advantage of this time and plan a trip to Bali where her friend had just become the GM of brand new hotel.  We budgeted four days in Bali, and then planned on flying back to Thailand and fly to the island of Koh Pangan in the south for the infamous Full Moon Party.

That Friday night, we packed our bags and took a night bus down to Bangkok.  We arrived at about 4:30 in the morning and our flight wasn’t until 12:30.  So we made it to the airport and lounged around for like 7 hours haha.  We went to duty free and covered ourselves in expensive perfume, exchanged our baht currency of Indonesian Rupes (which are totally crazy.  120,000 Rupe is approximately equal to $10, so I spent about 25, 000 on a coke, it was a novel experience), we went to Subway and spent way to much money on a sub sandwhich, we lounged about, and got coffee. 

We checked in so early that the gate had not been assigned yet.  As 12:30 was drawing closer we headed back towards security where we had seen a tv screen with the gate information.  Unfortunately it was right next to security, and a crazy security woman lady saw Becky holding a water bottle that she had purchased INSIDE the terminal, and was absolutely convinced that she had snuck it in.  It was so preposterous I just had to laugh.  We were like “no, we bought this in here” and she would not believe us.  So Becky was like “do you want me to show you where I bought it” and she said yes.  So she followed us allllll the way back to the store (the terminal is quite large) and Becky pointed to the bottles.  But the woman was STILL not satisfied, so she asked the workers of the shop if they remembered Becky and if they had printed a receipt.  They all nodded in confusion.  She finally accepted that she was wrong but good lord it took a lot of convincing!  I hate to say it, but that experience was somewhat representative of the inefficiencies of Thai authority.  It was a pride thing and a saving face thing, versus actually worrying about the water.  I struggle with this a lot here.

ANYWAYS, the gate was rapidly filling up with all these FARANGS!!!! Haha yay farangs!!! I was so starved of their presence haha.  Basically every passenger was a a white family dressed in beachy holiday garb and a little side of me thought to myself, ahhh a little piece of home.  I’m awful I know, but when you are the ONLY people of your kind, it gets a little claustrophobic.

The flight to Bali was about 4.5 hours.  Upon arrival neither of us really knew what was happening, I was truly going with the flow.  I didn’t know where the name or location of the hotel, or much about Bali.  Becky had said there would be a cab from the hotel to pick us up but that turned out to be false.  We were able to connect to some airport wifi and get the address and direction to the hotel.

I that we had flown into the town in which the hotel was in, but it turns out the hotel was in Ubud, which is more inland.  So the cab ride was about an hour long and I was just in this amazing mindset of feeling the energy of the island and absolutely loving life, which was hilarious because the ride was in complete darkness.  But I could just feel the specialness of this place, and catching glimpses of the twisty roads, the beautiful carved stone statues everywhere and the incredible architecture made my heart sing.  

Earlier that day we had learned the opening party of the hotel was on the night of our arrival, so as we pull up to the hotel, I can see TONS of people milling about on the hotel roof.  It was a fully blown, glamourous party!!  Becky and I wandered in, bleary eyed, smelly, and carrying our backpacks, in search of her friends.  We managed to find them but the whole time I was just so overwhelmed.  You guys, I cannot explain.  This hotel is one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever seen.  It is a four storied structure with a center rectangular courtyard containing the most beautiful pool.  The patio around the pool is made up of these natural inlaid stones, and flowers like marigold and plumeria were placed all around the place.  The roof was converted into this incredible open air patio, where you could look down into the courtyard or out over the little cottages and rice fields of Ubud.  The hotel was basically the definition of my taste. Super modern lines, beautiful natural colors, and many aspects of nature were incorporated like the stone patio, and raw wood furniture.  Every aspect was so well thought out, and coming from good ole Kalasin, where there are many very ugly things, I was just at a loss for words.  

We were shown to our room, which we were sharing with Becky's friend Jenna.  We quickly changed into something more party appropriate and Becky's other friend Ali (her brother is Sky, the GM of the hotel) brought us each a fresh coconut.  HEAVEN.  We wandered back out into the party and oh my god, every SINGLE person was beautiful.  The whole image of the Shift ( the name), is wholesome raw vegan, meditation, yoga type stuff, and that attracts a very specific very very beautiful crowd.  Everyone was natural and glowing, and wearing beautiful clothes and exotic jewelry.  Trays of raw vegan truffles were being passed around, as well as fruit and other goodies.  I was just speechless!!!! The contrast of Kalasin to this was simply unreal and I felt like I was in a dream.  We hung out, and I met Sam, Ali's husband, who is an artist and was doing a live art display on the roof.  At once point this musician began to play.  I fundamentally agree with wholesomeness, and eating food from the earth, and vegetarianism, and yoga and meditation and being in tune with yourself but I did have to take this all with a grain of salt, because this vibe attracts a lot of fake people who are super egotistical and take pleasure in knowing that they are more hippy wholesome raw vegan than you will ever be. 

Anyways the party came to an end and the three of us girls went to sleep in this giant, cushy amazing bed and life was good.  The next morning we headed down to Alchemy, the fully raw vegan restaurant that works in conjunction with the Shift.  We were given breakfast coupons and we all ate these amazing breakfast yogurt parfait things made up of raw yogurt, nuts, fruit, coconut cream, etc.  It was really really nice.

Due to the grand opening of the hotel, this famous Australian yogi, Octavio Salando, was hosting a yoga class at the shift that morning.  I was a little hesitant, because everyone at this hotel appeared to master yogis.  I do yoga every once and a while but not #yogaeverydamnday status.  Anyways, he opened up the class with some yoga theory, and explained how various cultures explained the universe, and if analyzed further, there were many similarities in between cultures.  He said the pyramids were actually built as a sort of grounding energy structure, that people could go to, to find guidance.  We then talked about the various chakras and the noises associated with each one.  We then took those noises and chanted them faster and faster until it was this sort of meditative hum.  I really loved that.  Then we got into the darn tootin yoga, which was fine, but I didn't have any leggings, so I was wearing shorts, and because of this, was in perpetual fear of revealing too much!!!  Octavio and his fiance were these stunning tan beautiful creatures, perfect at yoga and life, and here I was flashing my underwear and looking like a real baboon.  But yea, it really was a good class and I certainly enjoyed learning about yoga theory and the chants.  We took that day pretty easy and wandered around Ubud for a bit and then got massages at one of the million spas in town. 

I must add that there is definitely a more elite community within Ubud itself, and by knowing Sky, we were rubbing shoulders with them.  That night, we drove to Bambu Indah, a fancy hotel resort founded by John Hardy, who also founded the Green School ( watch the TED talk here).  As you may have guessed the whole structure was made of bamboo, but it was done in the most innovative way, with incredible lines and architecture.  The furniture inside was also breathtaking, and made up of giant pieces of rough hewn would.  The table at which we dined was a 25ish foot long log sawed in half.  Someone had had the ingenious idea to use some of the bamboo columns as instruments and they were strung like a guitar that you could strum, ant it would make the most beautiful, almost haunting noise.  Ubud is positioned in a very hilly area, with many valleys and rivers.  Bambu Indah looked over this amazing valley filled with rice paddies, palm trees and a river.  

Again, I was going with the flow and didn't really know with who or what the dinner entailed, I was just in this joyous dreamworld enjoying the ride.  It turns out we were having dinner with a bunch of people involved with the shift (the cook, the owner, the GM, John Hardy himself, his son etc)  The meal was again fully vegan, and instead of having meat main dishes we had papaya and jackfruit "steak" in which they basically prepared them in a savory way.  For desert I had fully raw cheesecake which was made of crushed nuts for the base and a cashew cream type thing for the filling, pretty bloody impressive what you can do without cooking things.  

BUT YEA, day one alone was pretty amazing.  We were initially going to go to the beach the next day, but one of the dinner guests told us about this holy water temple near Ubud so we decided to go there instead. 

It was about a 25 minute drive outside of Ubud.  The drive itself was so stunning, and the land was covered in stacked rice fields, palm trees and little huts.  Apparently it is Balinese culture to fly kites in the air, so when you look up in the skies, you see hundreds of kites fluttering in the breeze.  Upon arriving at the water temple, everyone, man and woman, had to wrap themselves in a sarong, out of respect.  It was also expressedly stated on multiple signs that menstruating women were not allowed in the temple.  We walked into the temple and were greeted by two large pools with about 5 fountains gushing water from the sides.    The water was crystal clear, and the bottom of the pool was covered in these round gray stones, giving the water the most incredible hue.  You could see large fishing swimming lazily between tourists legs.  

We weren't sure the protocol, so we put our stuff down and waded in.  The water was crisp and refreshing.  It seemed that it was customary to go over to one of the fountain heads and dip your head under it, a sort of cleansing.  Even with all the people, there was such an air of peace and calm about the place.  I wandered over to one of the fountains and took a moment to just appreciate my life, and give thanks to all those who are in it (corny, so flipping corny but I don't even care).

*(I stopped working on this blog post for the day, and have lost all my writing flow, sorry if the quality has gone down)

I wandered around alone for a while after, taking in this magical place.  The Balinese weren't lying when they called this place holy, there was such a strong powerful energy throughout the temple.

After we had all gotten our fill, we hopped back into the car and made our way back to Ubud.  Our driver Kadek mentioned something about a coffee place that we could visit on the way back.  We all just assumed it was a little coffee place that sold really good coffee.  It turns it was a place that produced Luwak coffee, or Civet coffee.  Basically they keep civets, cat like little mammal creatures,  and feed them coffee berries.  The civets cannot digest the coffee beans themselves so they poop them back out in these funny little coffee bean clusters.  The digestion process ferments the beans and makes them ready for roasting.

This place (not sure what to call it, a coffee compound?) was so profoundly beautiful.  Pretty stone paths wandered through this glorious garden of coffee trees, cocoa trees, pineapple, and other exotic foliage. We walked over to one of the civet cages. and I fed him a coffee berry which he chewed in a very appetizing, juicy way.  At one point we stopped at this little hut where this woman showed us what the beans looked like before roasting, various different spices used in Balinese cooking, and even a vanilla bean vine!! Inside the hut, a man was patiently roasting the beans over an open fire.  Once roasted, they are then pounded into a powder via a large stone mortar and pestle.  I sampled one of the freshly roasted beans and it was simply divine!  We followed the path further into the garden, and came upon this incredible open air structure overlooking this massive, fertile green valley, where visitors were sampling the various drinks and coffees produced by the company.  We were given a tray containing (I'm jogging my memory, can't fully recall) a cup of ginger coffee, vanilla coffee, cocoa coffee, pure cocoa, plain lewak coffee, and a few others that I don't remember.  I am not usually a fan of flavored coffees but all the ingredients were so pure and fresh that each one was amazing.  ALSO, ginger coffee sounds heinous right?? WRONG, it is absolutely delicious.  I don't know why that stuff is not drunk in more places.

But yea!!!!!!!! That was such a cool experience, and all for free!?!  Nice.  After such a jam packed day, all us girls decided to get massages, at this massage place that overlooked another gorgeous valley.  We needed to get to bed early, because the next day, we were going to way up at 2:45, yes that's right 2:45 to hike up a volcano (Mt. Babur) and watch the sunrise.

So, just as planned, we rose at the given hour, and made the hour journey to the base of the volcano.  As you may have guessed, it was still dark, and we were all half asleep, so I really didn't know what in the heck was going on, so I stuck to my vibe of going with the flow.  We arrived at the parking lot, and it was filled with tourists and Balinese guides (you cannot hike the mountain without a guide, which is kinda dumb but I guess it gives people jobs).  Everyone had warned us that it was extremely cold at the top of the mountain and that we should dress warmly.  Being that this is Southeast Asia, I hadn't packed much in terms of warmth, and decided to rent an awesome 1990's jacket from one of the guides.  I'd always associated hiking as a free or low cost activity, but we were charged about $20 each to go up.... annoying but I knew this was a truly unique experience.

So once everyone had payed and rented their jackets, and gotten their flashlights, we began the trek!  Being that we were still in the valley below, it was quite warm and I quickly overheated.  The trail was very crowded, and if you looked up, the only thing you could see was this river of twinkling flashlights up the volcano, it was actually quite magical.  The trail itself was pretty tough!  Given the volcanic terrain, there were a lot of lava rock obstructions, and it was pretty steep, and was only made more challenging by the lack of light.  I think it was a blessing that I could not actually see the volcano, because I didn't have any expectations or understanding of how big the thing was, I just put one foot in front of the other.

About an hour and a half in, we reached this plateau like area, with a little hut to get a warm drink and rest.  From the bottom, it had looked like this was the top, but upon arriving we saw that there was a whole other hill to be climbed!  There was a slight mix up in which our guides told us that we had only paid to be taken to this point, and we were like "oh hell no, we are going to the top", we managed to finagle something out and continued our ascent.

This part of the hike was so steep!!! Switchbacks were non-existent, so it was basically a very steep straight line up.  The terrain had also transformed into volcanic sand, so imagine walking on a beach, but at a 15 degree angle.  About 70% of the energy I put into each step was sucked up by that evil black sand.  After another 45 minutes of beleaguered trudging, we made it to the top just as the sun was peaking out over the horizon.

Oh my god you guys, it was breathtaking.  It turns out Mt. Batur overlooks a large crater like valley, with a giant blue lake at its base, and then beyond that, another huge volcano.  And golly gum drops, they weren't lying about the cold.  After having attained a delicious layer of sweat from the hike up, the chilly morning air promptly turned us all into icicles.  I don't usually buy things offered in touristy areas, but the pull of a hot ginger tea was too strong, and so I had one.  A sweet little Balinese man delivered it to me in a glass mug, and I savored it's warmth for all it was worth.  One of our guides had brought up an extra sarong and scarf and generously lent them to me, which made for one hell of a trendy outfit.

The volcano is still active, so we took a little path down into the side of the crater, where it was seeping hot steam and we thawed our cold little bones.  But soon it was time to continue onwards!  A few hundred more meters along the path, monkeys!!!!!!!  A whole troop of them.  We gave them bananas and eggs (which had been cooked in the steam of the volcano, so flippin epic) and man they were handsy little bastards.  They pushed and shoved and grabbed with their little monkey hands, greedy for their next bite.  At one point, this baby wasn't really aware of me, and wandered up and rested his his tiny little hand on mine.  It was the sweetest thing.  You guys, I was having a time!!!!!! This was my version of heaven, epic views, nature, monkeys, ginger tea, sunrises.  From all these activities I was looking a hot mess, i was wearing the worlds hottest outfit, I was covered in dirt, banana and egg crumbs, and my hair was laughably greasy, but I could not have been happier.

We followed the path all the way around the crater, and were able to view the valley from all angles.  On one side of the mountain was a ginormous lava bed, from an eruption past. The descent was super fun because the hill sides were made up of that same black sand, and you could simply jump and slide y our way back down (although about 10 lbs of sand entered your shoes).  Even in the daylight, so many tourists were tumbling and tripping.  It was pretty lolz.

So before nine o'clock, we were back at the parking lot!  And looking up at the mountain we had just climbed, we were rather impressed with ourselves I must say.

To top off this incredible moment, we soaked in some hot springs afterwards.  The resort was situated on the shores of the lake, and one of their infinity pools literally blended into the lake behind it.  We spent a few hours letting the hot water soothe our muscles and then it was back to Ubud.

We did so very much during our four days in Bali that I am struggling to remember it all.  On the last day, we had planned on doing some shopping, because guys, there are some incredible things to be bought in Bali.  We changed our plans last minute to visit The Green School, the world's most sustainable school (, and man what an inspiring thing.

I went into the tour a little skeptical, because I had heard all these celebrities were visiting, and people were paying thousands of dollars to send their kids here.  I found the idea to be rather elitist, and was probably churning out these overly precious, pretentious kids.  And honestly that is probably happening a little bit, but the actual gist of what John Hardy, the founder, is doing, is pretty revolutionary.

The school is built completely out of bamboo, because the stuff grows so incredibly fast, and is strong as heck.  John Hardy's daughter is an architect, and designed all the buildings (along with those at Bambu Indah) so the place has a beautiful, modern, yet organic look.  Almost all their food is grown onsite in these beautiful layered gardens, all the classes are open air to discourage dependency on AC, they use old car wind shields painted white as white boards, the students each receive their own beautiful bamboo desk, and if they write on it, they must sand it off.  John told us that initially, they were at a loss on how to produce all their own energy.  They had a river, but no real decline to capture the energy.  And then they found The Vortex.  The Vortex was designed by either a Swedish or Norwegian engineer (some scandinavian country).  Basically, a side channel is built to feed a certain amount of river water (not the entire river) into the vortex.  The main structure is literally a circular funnel, and due to the physics of a funnel the water begins circle as it exits through the hole at the bottom.  There is then a crank like object placed into the center of the whirlpool, that captures all the energy!!!!!!!! So incredibly genius.  It is simply amazing what the human mind can create, and I am so sad that this invention is not being used all over the world - in due time I suppose.  At the end of the tour, we all treated ourselves to THE MOST amazing ice-cream you have ever tasted, and all the proceeds went to fund the local scholarship, that allows Balinese children to attend the school as well.  So yea, The Green School really was impressive, and I truly hope the world sees this and follows suit, because becoming more sustainable can be done quite easily with just a little imagination and innovation.

This was our last evening in Bali, so we drove down to this beach town and stopped at this famous beach club Potato Head.  The entire outer structure was made up of old Spanish shutters, and appeared like this giant wooden collage.  Upon entering, you could see that the club was shaped like a horseshoe, and the inner space was made up of lawns and pools and patios looking out into the gorgeous ocean.  Wowa woowa how glamourous!  Everyone was dressed in their most resort-y resort wear, hip beats were being played, and overly priced drinks were being consumed at a rapid pace.  I was having a real time being an observer.  All these people were in the most gorgeous place in the world, and they appeared way more hyper concerned with their beachwear fashion, and who was talking to who etc. (this is me hypothesizing)  We each ordered one heinously expensive drink (and the cup was about a quarter full of alcohol, the rest was ice....) people watched for a bit then bounced.  It was pretty fascinating to watch that culture.  But yea, we had dinner at this rather fancy restaurant that served serious dishes from all around Indonesia.  And that was basically the end of our Bali stay!

The next morning, we rose at five am and headed back to the airport.  Next it was onto Southern Thailand, to the island of Koh Pangan for the infamous full moon party.  Becky and I were pretty sad to leave this magical place, but the blow was softened with the knowledge that our vacation was continuing once we returned to Thailand.

We flew into Bangkok, switched airports and then flew 45 minutes south to the Islands.  FINALLY, when I thought of Thailand, this is what I had envisioned.  Sleepy beaches, rickety wooden piers, palm trees, warmmmmmmmm water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was in a dream world... after 3 months in Thailand, I was finally in the place I had wanted to be all along.  But yea the next few days were a heavenly blur.  We spent our days lounging on the beach, and the evenings hanging out at our hostel, and filling our stomachs with all the western food we could, knowing it would no longer be available in the near future.  We drank fresh coconuts, people watched to our hearts content, and swam in the deliciously warm water.  We experienced the full moon party in all it's glory, although I personally remained a bit more on the tame side in comparison.  Scary side note- the Friday of the weekend we were there, a girl died from a box jellyfish sting at the very beach we had been frequenting.  Not wanting the vacation to end, we took monday off as a travel day, and let me tell you, we needed that ENTIRE day.  That monday morning, we woke at 3:45, took a 30 minute cab ride to the ferry station, took the 2.5 hour ferry to Surat Thani, took another hour bus ride to the airport, took an hour plane ride back to Bangkok, took a taxi to Mochit bus station, and then got an a TEN HOUR toiletless bus ride back to Kalasin.  We didn't get back until about 12:15 at night (or technically morning).  WOW, and all that was within Thailand, this country is GINORMOUS!!!!!

So that was the end of our 10 day long break from school.  I know it is corny, but I feel profoundly changed by this experience.  I think I was affected so much due to the contrast of going from living in Kalasin, to experiencing the freedom and beauty of traveling.  I think all the events I had leading up to this made me fully susceptible to feeling each moment to its fullest.  Honestly the best word to describe that past week was spiritual.  I felt so in tune with the universe, and went with the flow and was in the moment, more than I had ever been in life.   My perspective has been elevated, and I feel myself becoming more of the person I want to be.  I am excited! And I am so proud of myself.  I am constantly seeing myself handle situations in a positive proactive manner, situations where in the past, I would have been overwhelmed, and wallowed in the misery.  This trip was the culmination of all that growth.  Life is truly beautiful.

Marigold embellishments at the shift

Plumeria trees were planted above the pool, so that the blossoms would photogenically fall into it.

rice paddies in Ubud


Basically all the architecture was gorgeous carved stone and wood that had been worn by the elements.  Absolutely stunning, I was constantly at a loss for words.

At the water temple!

Putting sarongs on before entering

the holy pools


sarongs drying in the sun

the actual spring itself

Civet (Luwak in Balinese)

cocoa tree

The beans after they had been digested but before they had been roasted

Various spices used in Balinese cooking- ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, nutmeg, anise, etc.

vanilla plant!

How the coffee is traditionally crushed

Tasting area

Top of Mt Batur

This Russian couple was having a whole photo shoot with the sunrise as a backdrop, they probably held this pose for a  minute.  It was hilarious

giant lava bed below

Field of chili peppers

We climbed that!

Hot springs, those gaudy elephants were an eye sore but oh well

infinity pool

tradional Balinese food

Vegan designer gelato at the Green School, I judged hard core

John Hardy, founder

Bamboo go cart

some of the gardens

Augu the albino water buffalo in his mud pit!!!!!!! PRECIOUS, and he licked my foot for a good while

car windshield white boards

pretty mama cow

gorgeous bamboo bridge

The Vortex!!!!!!

Construction of new bamboo structures

a model

Donors had their names carved into the bamboo columns

Potato Head

Inside Potato Head

Overpriced drink

Koh Samui in Southern Thailand

storm rolling in

complete flooding for about 45 minutes

Had Rin Beach at Koh Pangan

The only appropriate footwear of the island

The boat taxis are just too photogenic

neon body art