Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Luck of the Thai

Yesterday I experienced two bouts of extreme luck for I which I feel extremely lucky (gee really).
So to teach in Thailand, you need to first apply for a Non B visa, and only if you have that can you apply for a work permit.  The required documents for a work permit are your original diploma (why I do not know) original transcripts, and a letter from your university verifying your graduation.  I moved back to Chico a few months before coming to Thailand, and somehow in this process I LOST my diploma.  Fortunately I’d made a scan BEFORE losing, so I had some kind of documentation.  I ordered a new one (at $50 thanks UC system) but the processing time was anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks.  I also had difficulty obtaining a verification letter at first.  By the time I had left, I had ordered both documents, but had neither.  I told myself I wasn’t gonna worry until they threatened to deport me so I was not tooooo concerned but it still made me uneasy.  Our coordinator hadn’t really mentioned anything about the work permit since arriving until yesterday.  I brought in the documents I did have and told her my situation.  Apparently the scan of the diploma sufficed so I was in the clear there, but I still not have my letter. 

The letter had arrived at my parents house a few weeks before and my mother had scanned it and sent it to me.  Being the responsible mother she is, she told me to open the scan attachment to ensure it worked.  Me being the irresponsible daughter I am did no such thing hee hee (sorry ma).  So upon opening the attachment yesterday, it turns out that the scan would probably work in a school for ants (anyone get the reference here) but upon zooming the image up to human size, it was completely illegible blobs.  So that was a bummer.  But I told myself mai pen rai ( the Thai saying for it’s all good).  I really had no idea if the letter would ever make to me because rumor has it that the Thai mail system is somewhat… relaxed.  I would cross that bridge when I came to it.  BUT GUESS WHAT???? Later last night, P’Noi walks over to me hands me that blessed letter and all was right in the world again.  This story is really not very fascinating but I just felt very grateful that the invisible life forces had timed this so conveniently.  Yay universe.

My second lucky moment occurred yesterday eve.  A few of the English teachers were to have dinner with our Thai counterparts and were to be picked up around 7:30.  Andrew, Shelby and I decided to wait at some tables outside a cafĂ© near lucky.  They picked us up and we made our way to the restaurant which about a 10-15 minute drive away.  Upon arriving, I look into my purse to check my phone, and guess what, there was no phone…… and I immediately knew I had left it out in the open on that blasted table.  At that point I was like, well, goodbye phone, it was nice knowing you.  But my real panic arose from the fact that I had not put a passcode on it, and had it gotten into the wrong hands, my entire life was accessible.  At this point I was feeling like a real jerk.  These Thai teachers were kind enough to take us out to dinner and welcome us with open arms and here is this idiot Farang losing her phone.  I tried to remain calm and relay the situation in a non-needy manner.  We tried messaging Zuri to see if she was at lucky, and then calling P’Noi, with no luck.  Ginny, a Thai teacher at another school and a very good friend to all the English teachers contacted her sister, who lives near Lucky (I have found that everyone knows everyone in this town and there is a very strong sense of community).  We get a call about 10 minutes later and sure enough THE PHONE WAS STILL THERE.  I must remind you that this whole ordeal took about 45 minutes, so I fundamentally do not understand how it was left alone, but it was.  We then enjoyed the rest of the meal and perpetual beer refills (I’m not kidding every time my glass would get low, it was magically refilled). Again I just feel gratitude. Thank you Ginny, thank you Thailand, thank you Universe!

Anyways, I honestly feel like these tangents are annoying to anyone but myself so sorry bout that.  Till next time

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