Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Random Weekend Teaching Moment

Last week, my Thai friend Ginny asked me to help out a fellow Thai teacher with some student activity that coming Saturday.  As per usual, that was all the information I recieved, but I figured why not!  I am not doing anything on Saturday, they will pay me, and I can hang out with precious Thai students.

8:45 on Saturday rolls around, and Ginny picks me up and drives me to this cafe chain, the Amazon Cafe, where I meet the teacher, Brian.  Apparently he was alotting each student 100 baht and they were two go buy food and drinka and have a party, and we would assess them through conversation.  The students slowly trickle in.  The final group is made up of 10 students, ranging from 13 to 16.  At that point, Brian hands me the money and that is the last bit of involvment he has for the rest of the day!  He and 2 other teachers literally plunked down at a nearby table clearly indicating that they would not be participating.

So I thought, alrighty!  Free reign!  What shall we do??  First we went around and introduced ourselves and how old we were, and our birthdays ( which I happened to share with one of the students!)  Next it was time for our 7/11 shopping spree!

We took 7 by storm and the kids bought all the unhealthy things available.  Chips, cake, soda, candy, overly sweetened sea weed.... and we headed backto the cafe for our "party".  Side note- the AMOUNT of trash created by this lil rendevouz was so outrageous.  I'd say at least 4 plastic bags filled with more plastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OH MY GODDDDDDDDD.  Okay sorry, rant over.

We played a few word games, charades, and then, as the fun activity wore off, I designed a scavenger hunt for them which took up the last hour.  When they had photographed all items on the list, time was almost up and I was unwittingly given the task of giving them grades?  I thought Brian wpuld be doing that but his lack of engagement imdicated that nope it was up to me!  Which is totally fine, I was just surprised he trusted me to provide the final judging, I was actually flattered.

So, I got the student list, asked them a few final questions about the day and assessed them based on involvment in the activities, ability to understand my questions, and whether or not they responded with some ease and confidence.

Being that they were all sweethearts, I didn't have it in me to give anyone below an A-.  Also Brian's son was in the class so I felt slightly strange about that (he got an A-).

But yea!  That was the day in a nutshell!  I think we all had fun times, and I really appeciated the freedom and ultimately authority I was given to work with these kids.  And initially I thought I was gooing to be paid 500 baht which was pretty bad, I was pleasantly surprised when he handed me 1500 baht!  Wooooo.  As easy at could have been for me to stay in my bed all of Saturday, I am so glad I got involved and connected with all these folks.

Later that week, a friend who works at Brian's school, messaged me and told me that Brian was very impressed with my performance and that I was "an easy going lady" haha.  Sounds good to me!

Only a portion of the trash

I'm a bohemoth!!!!!!

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