Tester Blog Post and Pre-Trip Jitters!
So I am still in the US of A but I just wanted to do a practice post and get a feel for this whole blog thing. Just so you all know, this blog is not intended to display my heavily edited and succinct writing skills. It's looking like the tone will pretty casual, as if I am right here next to you blabbing your ear off!
For those wondering why in the heck I decided to teach English in Thailand for the next six months, I have sort of been struggling with trying to find out what I want to with my life (me and everyone else). I spent a year living in Santa Cruz, where I worked as a sales associate at a shoe store, got into mountain biking and met some really fab people. I lived with Brother Al, and two floors up from Cousin Zora, which was a really great time. Even with all the wonderful things happening, I somehow let my life get very small, I wasn't really doing that much, and every time I put my feelers out for a "real" job, the search was fruitless. So I said, "hell, let's go on an adventure!"
I had considered doing something like this in the past, so I was somewhat familiar with the concept of teaching English in another country. Initially, I had considered doing it Europe, but decided I wanted something more exotic. Thailand had always been on my list of places to visit; the cuisine is too delicious for this world, the culture seems truly beautiful, and the country appears to never drop below 70 degrees (my kind of country!). I will be getting payed to do this, so I figured this was a good way to travel while breaking even financially. Even though becoming a teacher is not my eventual goal, I am excited to give it a shot. Grammar ain't never been my favorite (see what I did there) so I am really hoping that I can teach the English language in an accurate manner!
So I leave for Thailand in FOUR DAYS. This is amazing and slightly disturbing!!!!!!!!! Due to the proximity of my departure, I am a real ball of nerves. To combat the very physical symptoms I have attempted some meditation and took a bike ride down the hill to pick up our mail. The ride up the hill was a true pain cave (holler to those who have been to my house). Anyways with the help of those and a gin and tonic, my nerves seemed to have calmed for now. I am currently sitting on my bed, the contents of my backpack sprawled out in a corner of my room, trying to soak in all that is about to happen. It appears I have completed all that I need to do before departure (knock on wood) so now it's just a waiting game! I am very very ready. Anyways I hope this wasn't tooooo much of a too long; didn't read scenario, just getting my thoughts out. Stayed tuned for more updates that will be just as charming and hilarious as this one was. (sarcasm)